Different Types of Sand Used In Construction

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Different Types of Sand Used In Construction

20 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most common materials found at construction sites is sand. However, not many people know why it essential for the different construction jobs. One thing to note is that this soil is comprised of mineral particles. Whether fine or coarse, the mineral particles contribute to the strength of the sand, making it an important ingredient when mixing the different components that go into construction. However, the soils used in construction are not any ordinary sand that you can simply scoop off the road. The sands need to be contaminant free and clean to ensure debris is not introduced to the different construction mixtures. Here are the different types of sand that are typically used in paving and construction.

Coarse sand

This type of sand is also referred to as pit sand. As the name suggests, the particles are bigger, making them coarse in appearance. This soil is typically red or orange in colour and is derived from deep pits in the earth. The appearance of its grains is angular with sharp sides, thus giving it its coarse appearance. Pit sand is what is usually incorporated into concrete, as it is does not contain any salts that would react with the concrete.

Sea sand

As the name suggests, this soil is procured from seashores. The sand has a distinct brown appearance with circular shaped grains. However, it should be noted that sea sand has high concentrations of salt. This means it has a high tendency of water absorption, making it unsuitable in the mixing of concrete that will be used for structural reinforcement. In addition to this, this type of soil has high level of chloride ions. These would react with steel, so it is not recommended to use sea sand in steel construction either. However, it can still be incorporated in both plaster and mortar.

River sand

This type of soil is derived from the banks of both rivers and streams. It is finer than pit sand but coarser than sea sand. The general appearance of this sand is rounded grain that will either have a grey or white appearance. One of the main purposes of river sand is in the incorporation of plaster for paving and construction uses.

Artificial sand

This type of sand is made from the crushing of granite rock. It can also be procured by crushing basalt rock. Artificial sand tends to be used as an alternative to river sand because they have the same consistency.

Work with a local sand and soil supplier like Wholesale Sleeper Co to make sure you get the right type for your project.